Scale Model World saw us bring two displays to our table. A Wingman Decals themed Luftwaffe Tornado display and a Gulf War 25th Anniversary display.
the Gulf War display has been on tour since the Bolton model show and it made it's last appearance at SMW. The Wingman Decals display made it debut and was well received. The display was based on WND48006 Luftwaffe Tornados Part 1 - The Tornado IDS/ECR in Norm 95 and Single-Grey Camouflage. We look forward to following it with the Part 2 decal set (early Luftwaffe schemes) which is expected to be released over the next twelve months.
Here are some pictures of the display and a short video.
There were several models on display elsewhere. A special mention must go to Abingdon who had a stunning 617 Sqn build on their table and Bridlington & Wolds who had four of Gulf themed builds built by SIG member Trevor Snowden.
Andy W, Andy H and Nathan were in attendance at the Northern Model Show again this year. Some of us managed to leave with more cash than when we arrived and there was cake! Here is our table at the Northern Model Show. There were quite a few Tornados on display on other tables too. The 1/144 SIG had a great collection of Tornados too. One had scratch built deployed flaps too!
'Andy H and Nathan ventured north of the border for the SIG's first display in Scotland and were joined by Graham M on the Saturday.
The laser certainly caused quite a stir. It is normally found in an LRMTS pod but it made an interesting addition to the display. The space that we were allocated was fantastic and we look forward to returning next year. Sword and Lance is rather like a home coming, being the show where we debuted in 2012. As ever the small show was first rate with bargains a plenty, a great venue and fantastic food. The display for 2016 is now well established with the Diavolli Rossi display, the ever expanding Gulf War display and a first outing for Telford 2016's theme: Wingman Decals/ Luftwaffe.
The Southern and Northern branches of the SIG combined to put on a great display at this year's show. Ollie, Nigel and Andy MkII were in attendance.
The Huddersfield Model Show was our second of the year. It was the second outing for the Gulf War. Andy Molyneaux, a member of Flory Models brought along his 1/32nd Scale build, along with some genuine Gulf War artefacts (a hat and keffiyeh). This display is continuing to evolve, it should be very impressive by the time it appears at Telford. Matt Ball, another Flory Models member has also kindly donated his D-9592 prototype build to the SIG. The Bolton Model Show, like many SIGs and Clubs is the first outing of the year. The snow reports made a few of wonder if we would make it, but in the end we had no weather related problems. The show was the first outing for the Gulf War display, something that will evolve over the year until its zenith at Telford. Andy Hardwick Diavoli Rossi scheme also made another outing, and it has garnered quite a bit of press since the show. Testament, if one was needed for our theme displays. |
March 2020