And yet again the boys from the Brid and Wolds Model Club have put on another excellent show ! This year the main display area was held in a very large and airy marquee (even carpeted...very posh ! ) There were two other display areas which all together made for a bigger show than previous years. It is likely that next years show will be held in the new purpose built display hall that is under construction. This show just gets better and better ....roll on next year !! The 4 spacious tables were manned by Nathan , Andy Mk2 (who had LITERALLY stepped off a plane from Lithuania and picked up some lads from the Scunthorpe Club and then drove hours of sleep - 0 ,Zero ,Zilch , Nowt , Nothing !) and myself (Mk1). We had company from IPMS Cleveland and just along from us were the lads from AMSIG (Airfix Modelling SIG) .Big thanks to Tom for loaning us his Revell H.A.S display . We had a few new builds on the table .....Nathans big 32nd scale Norm 83 Luftwaffe kite and his new tool Revell Italian IDS . I had the ASSTA 3 demo to add. All in all a most enjoyable day and for IPMS Cleveland quite a haul in the model competition, 6 rosettes and the best 1/72 WW2 aircraft in show. Some shots of the IPMS Cleveland and IDF SIG tables
March 2020