This year's Northern model show was held at a new venue.......the University of Northumbria in central Newcastle.
A rather quieter than normal show but nevertheless an enjoyable ever mainly down to the banter we have with the rest of the IPMS Cleveland particular Terry and the Club secretary John ( No John , you can not put any tanks on our table....only Tornado's with fuel tanks !!) What might of been a daunting drive into Newcastle City centre turned out to be not that bad long as you got in a car park near the venue !! Thankfully most of the IPMS Cleveland convoy along with Nathan managed to get parked close to the venue but it was still a fair trek with boxes to the front doors. Big thanks to Nathan for setting the tables up was just us two as Andy MkII was away. The table looked quite empty without Andy MkIIs considerable Tonka collection. One very interesting addition to the display was Nathans 1/1250 Tornado with scratch built Hindenburgers......yes that's not a typo. Can you spot it in front of the SIG display sign ?? ( I nearly "wiped" it off the table thinking it was an insect !! ) Apart from our Tonkas we saw only one other .....a very nice 36 Stormo Tornado built from the 1/48 Italeri kit by David Thomas of the Tyneside Independent Modellers. No awards this time for the SIG but our IPMS Cleveland club members won a few first places in the competition......a very big well done to newly joined Tornado SIG member Greg who won Best in Show with his Tamiya Lotus racing car !! go get that 1/32 Revell kit that you have built !! Lol |
March 2020